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John Doe (2005)

Unidentified Person

  On March 25, 2005, at approximately 8:15 pm, this subject was driving a white 1993 Chevrolet van with Florida tags Northbound on Interstate 95 when it wrecked and killed him. Many attempts were made by the coroner and members of our office to identify this person but we have had no luck as yet.


Race: Hispanic

Sex: Male

Height: 6’00”

Weight: 190 lbs

Hair: Bald

Eyes: Brown

Age: unknown

Other: mustache


    If you have any information about this case, please call us at 803-436-2002 or email us with the information and we’ll follow up on it immediately. If you wish to remain anonymous, please go to our Anonymous Tips submission page and submit your information, or you can call Crime Stoppers at 803-436-2718.