2019 Boys & Girls Conference registration underway

The Sumter County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting its Annual Boys & Girls Youth Conferences Summer Day Camp. The camp will be held on July 08-July 19. The summer day camp will be held in the gym of Chestnut Oaks Middle School located at 1200 Oswego Hwy., Sumter, SC.
The camp’s objective is to build character and leadership skills amongst boys and girls 7 to 16 years of age. Workshops and discussions include positive and negative effects of social media, drug resistance, abstinence, information technology, hygiene, career goal attainment and so much more. Educating our youth is the key!
Registration fee is $50 per camper. Drop-off will be between
8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. Pick-up will be between 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Monday - Friday. A graduation ceremony will commence at the end of the two week camp session. The date, time, and location will be sent via a correspondence to parents. Parents are encouraged to attend so that they can celebrate their youth’s achievements!
This will be an active day camp. Each camper should bring a towel, sunblock, and medication (if needed). Although cell phones will be allowed, campers will have limited access to their cell phones until
4:00 P.M. The Sumter County Sheriff’s Office will not be responsible for any lost items. Campers (boys & girls) may wear shorts, but the length should extend to the knees. Otherwise, shorts are prohibited. Skirts are permissible provided they are knee length or below. Shirts exposing cleavage and a camper’s mid-drift are not permitted. Meals & snacks will be provided by the Sumter School District and the Sheriff’s Office throughout the conferences to include breakfast.
The camp has several field trips planned. If there are additional costs, the Sheriff’s Office will notify the parent via correspondence. Any camper not participating in a field trip will remain at the school with a counselor.
Applications may be picked up at the child’s school and/or at the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. For more information, please contact the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officers. Contact can also be made with Lt. Petrina Wiley at (803) 436-2026 or Sr. Cpl. Albert Harvin at (803) 847-2826. The Boys & Girls Youth, Inc. applications are available on our website here (para espanol). The deadline for applications is Friday, June 21, 2019. There is also a parent's guide with further information and guidelines available by clicking here.