Operation Safe at Home

In an effort to further assist the public with Gov. Henry McMaster’s Home or Work Order now in effect, Sumter County Sheriff’s Office offers to deliver medication to Sumter’s citizens.
This service is only available to Sumter residents and medication will only be picked up from participating pharmacies in Sumter County during the pharmacy’s hours.
Requests from senior citizens age 60 and older, veterans and at-risk individuals will take priority among all requests. At-risk conditions are based on Center for Disease Control guidelines.
To request a delivery, call (803) 305-8551. If the line is busy when you call, leave a message with your name and contact information for assistance. Click here to access the request form that you can fill out yourself. The form can be downloaded, filled out and emailed to safeathome@sumtercountysc.org.
This service will remain in place until the Home or Work Order is lifted.
Conditions of Operation Safe at Home:
- All prescription orders MUST be prepaid.
- Citizens MUST state when prescriptions will be ready for pickup.
- Citizens MUST be home when medication is delivered. Medication will not be left unattended.
- Deliveries MUST be received by the person the prescription is made to.
- A valid state-issued photo ID MUST be shown before medication can be received.
- A request MUST be made for each delivery. Deliverie are not recurring.