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Jesse Dean Smith

Name: Jesse Dean Smith

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 190

DOB: 8/25/1959


Distribution of Marijuana (5 counts), PWID Marijuana (1 count), Manufacturing Marijuana (1 count), Distribution of Schedule III controlled substance (Acetaminphen/Hydrocodone)  (3 Counts), PWID Schedule III controlled Substance (Acetaminophen/Hydrocodone) (1 count) Distribution of Schedule II controlled substance (Morphine) (4 Counts) Possession of Schedule II controlled Substance (Morphine) (1 count)

 Last known Address: 2385 Trinity Road, Lynchburg SC, 29080

If you have any information on Smith's whereabouts you should contact us immediately, 803-436-2000 or 803-436-2718.