New State Law Regarding Transporting of Nonferrous Metals

In regards to the new state law regarding the transporting, selling and purchasing of nonferrous metals (copper, aluminum, etc., see here) the Sumter County Sheriff's Office has made the applications for permits available on our website (click here). These may be filled in electronically and printed out to bring to our office to obtain a permit number. Applications will be available at the office as well. The new law will go into effect August 16, 2011. Please download an application or stop by our office to fill one out prior to August 16, 2001, if you intend to transport these materials on that day.
Anyone wishing to obtain a permit will be required to submit a complete application, present a valid driver's license or state ID and the vehicle information that will be transporting the metals. Permits do not cost the party selling or transporting nonferrous metals, but dealers wishing to purchase nonferrous metals commercially will be subjected to a $200 application fee. Both applications are on our Downloads page to the right.
For the full text of the law click here and scroll down to 16-17-680.