Due to overwhelming amount of stray animals in the county, and the recent amount of dog attacks, the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Unit is enforcing a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for dogs and cats roaming freely within the County, and for pet owners failing to vaccinate their pets (titles 47-3-10 through 47-3-710).
1. Rabies Shots and Tags: It’s a State and Federal Law that all dogs and cats must be
vaccinated for rabies every year, and the Tags must be worn at all times. The fines
are up to $470.00, plus court cost.
2. Animals running at large: There is not a leash law, but the Sumter County ordinance
states: dogs and cats must be contained, or under the owner’s control at all times.
The fines range from $200.00 to $470.00.
3. Allowing a (dangerous) animal to run at large: The fine starts at a thousand dollars,
goes up to five thousand, and up to three year imprisonment.
4. Quarantine: Any animal that attacks or bites a person will be quarantined at the
Animal Control Shelter, and be held there for the period of 10 days. The cost for the
animal to be quarantined is $130.00.
5. Ill treatment of animal: This includes, but not limited to, no food or water, improper
shelter or kennels, oversize chains, animal hoarding, and the list goes on. The fine
starts at $200.00 up to $5,000.00, and jail time.
6. Animals in heat: Must be kept inside of residence, shed, or kennel, to prevent other
animals coming onto the property of another. Fine starts at $200.00 to $470.00.
The Sumter County Animal Control Unit is hoping to educate pet owner(s) and prevent them from being fined hundreds, or thousands of dollars. We encourage you to vaccinate your pets, and keep them contained on your property. If you have any questions please contact the Sumter County Animal Control Office at 803-436-2066.