Current News & Releases
Operation Safe at Home

In an effort to further assist the public with Gov. Henry McMaster’s Home or Work Order now in effect, Sumter County Sheriff’s Office offers to deliver medication to Sumter’s citizens.
This service is only available to Sumter residents and medication will only be picked up from participating pharmacies in Sumter County during the pharmacy’s hours.
Requests from senior citizens age 60 and older, veterans and at-risk individuals will take priority among all requests. At-risk conditions are based on Center for Disease Control guidelines.
To request a delivery, call (803) 305-8551. If the line is busy when you call, leave a message with your name and contact information for assistance. Click here to access the request form that you can fill out yourself. The form can be downloaded, filled out and emailed to safeathome@sumtercountysc.org.
This service will remain in place until the Home or Work Order is lifted.
Conditions of Operation Safe at Home:
- All prescription orders MUST be prepaid.
- Citizens MUST state when prescriptions will be ready for pickup.
- Citizens MUST be home when medication is delivered. Medication will not be left unattended.
- Deliveries MUST be received by the person the prescription is made to.
- A valid state-issued photo ID MUST be shown before medication can be received.
- A request MUST be made for each delivery. Deliverie are not recurring.

Voluntary Community Watch Program Registration

The Sumter County Sheriff’s Office wants to enlist the help of community members in the fight against crime through the use of security camera footage. Citizen-provided security footage is becoming a vital asset to Law Enforcement, helping establish leads and identify suspects. By voluntarily registering your contact information, investigators will know how to reach you if a crime occurs in close proximity to your home or business. The SCSO will only contact you if we believe your camera could contain evidence relevant to a criminal investigation. Evidence provided by your camera could mean the difference between bringing a perpetrator to justice versus leaving a crime unsolved.
If you would like to participate, fill out this form and email it to communitywatch@sumtercountysc.org.

2019 Boys & Girls Conference registration underway

The Sumter County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting its Annual Boys & Girls Youth Conferences Summer Day Camp. The camp will be held on July 08-July 19. The summer day camp will be held in the gym of Chestnut Oaks Middle School located at 1200 Oswego Hwy., Sumter, SC.
The camp’s objective is to build character and leadership skills amongst boys and girls 7 to 16 years of age. Workshops and discussions include positive and negative effects of social media, drug resistance, abstinence, information technology, hygiene, career goal attainment and so much more. Educating our youth is the key!
Registration fee is $50 per camper. Drop-off will be between
8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. Pick-up will be between 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Monday - Friday. A graduation ceremony will commence at the end of the two week camp session. The date, time, and location will be sent via a correspondence to parents. Parents are encouraged to attend so that they can celebrate their youth’s achievements!
This will be an active day camp. Each camper should bring a towel, sunblock, and medication (if needed). Although cell phones will be allowed, campers will have limited access to their cell phones until
4:00 P.M. The Sumter County Sheriff’s Office will not be responsible for any lost items. Campers (boys & girls) may wear shorts, but the length should extend to the knees. Otherwise, shorts are prohibited. Skirts are permissible provided they are knee length or below. Shirts exposing cleavage and a camper’s mid-drift are not permitted. Meals & snacks will be provided by the Sumter School District and the Sheriff’s Office throughout the conferences to include breakfast.
The camp has several field trips planned. If there are additional costs, the Sheriff’s Office will notify the parent via correspondence. Any camper not participating in a field trip will remain at the school with a counselor.
Applications may be picked up at the child’s school and/or at the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. For more information, please contact the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officers. Contact can also be made with Lt. Petrina Wiley at (803) 436-2026 or Sr. Cpl. Albert Harvin at (803) 847-2826. The Boys & Girls Youth, Inc. applications are available on our website here (para espanol). The deadline for applications is Friday, June 21, 2019. There is also a parent's guide with further information and guidelines available by clicking here.

Sumter County Sheriff takes aggressive ‘zero-tolerance’ approach on litter
Sumter County Sheriff Anthony Dennis has declared a “zero tolerance” approach for people who litter in Sumter County.
“Our deputies will be on alert for anyone littering in Sumter County,” he said. “Officers will enforce litter laws and write citations to those individuals who do not take pride in our county. We are taking an aggressive approach.”
Fines for littering in South Carolina range from $200 to $500 for a first offense depending upon the amount of litter.
“We are serious about keeping Sumter County clean,” he said. “In addition to our detention center inmates, we also have several organizations and civic groups that adopt highways in Sumter County. With their efforts, working in conjunction with law enforcement, we can and will enhance the beautification of Sumter County.”

K-9 unit receives bullet-proof vest donation

One more Sumter County Sheriff’s Office deputy can feel a little safer while on duty, thanks to a generous donation from Paws For Friendship.
The non-profit organization that works to provide visits from therapy pets to schools and nursing homes around the globe assisted the sheriff’s office by presenting a form-fitting bullet-proof vest to Halo, a member of the sheriff’s office K-9 unit, on Thursday.
Halo and his partner, Cpl. Cameron Prescott, received the vest from Dennis Sides, a Sumter resident and one of the non-profit organization’s South Carolina Chapter coordinators.
“We are extremely grateful for the donation of the bullet-proof vest for Halo,” said Capt. Terrance Colclough of the patrol division. “Our K-9 units are a valuable asset to our department, and can often find themselves in dangerous situations. With this new vest, we can now feel a little safer for Halo as he performs his duties.”
The sheriff’s office currently has five K-9 units on staff, making it possible to always have at least one of these specialized units on duty at any time.
For more information on Paws For Friendship, visit their website at www.pawsforfriendshipinc.org

Special Olympics Fundraisers

Recently members of the Sumter County Sheriff's Office partnered with Chic-fil-a for a Cover a Cruiser fundraiser benefiting the South Carolina Special Olympics. During the lunchtime promotion we raised over $400 to be donated to help support the training activities of the special needs participants. We would like to thank everyone for their support and especially Chic-fil-a for their generosity in this project.
As we continue preparing for our fall nighttime 5k Glow Run, part of the Sumter Series of running events, we are offering another way for people to donate in advance to help support the Special Olympics. A fundraising page has been setup where non-Glow Run participants can make monetary donations to the event. Our goal is to raise $1,000 dollars. If you would like to donate, please click HERE to go to the fundraiser page. Thank you again for all of your support as we try to help these Special Olympics athletes compete.

Cpl Elizabeth B Foxworth (1967-2012)

It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the untimely death of one of our employees, Corporal Elizabeth B. Foxworth, on December 10, 2012.
Corporal Foxworth was a twelve (12) year veteran law enforcement officer. She worked diligently with the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office for seven (7) years and she was previously employed with the Sumter Police Department for five (5) years.
This is a very difficult time not only for the family of Cpl. Elizabeth Foxworth, but for her law enforcement family as well. It is a very sad time.
Needless to say, we will all miss her more than words can ever express. She was not just our co-worker but our good friend as well. I hope you will all keep her family and our office in your thoughts and prayers.

Prescription Medicine Disposal

The United States Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is again partnering with state and local law enforcement agencies to conduct the fifth National Take Back Initiative (NTBI) on Saturday, September 29th, 2012, for the collection of unused, expired or unwanted prescription drugs. The DEA Atlanta Field Division is coordinating with the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office and Sumter Police Department for this important effort in reducing the amounts of controlled substances that may otherwise be diverted into our communities or improperly disposed into our sewer systems, septic tanks, etc., polluting our ground water.
If you have expired, unused or unwanted prescription medications that you need to get rid of, the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office and Sumter Police Department will have personnel available for the pill drop at the City-County Law Enforcement Center located at 107 East Hampton Ave, Sumter, on Saturday, September 29th, 2012, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you'd like more information on this national effort you can find out more by going to the DEA's website.
If you are not able to make this date, need to dispose of prescription medications at a later date, or would like more information on our event, please call us at 803-436-2760 anytime throughout the year and we'll be glad to assist.


Due to overwhelming amount of stray animals in the county, and the recent amount of dog attacks, the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Unit is enforcing a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for dogs and cats roaming freely within the County, and for pet owners failing to vaccinate their pets (titles 47-3-10 through 47-3-710). (MORE BELOW)

New State Law Regarding Transporting of Nonferrous Metals

In regards to the new state law regarding the transporting, selling and purchasing of nonferrous metals (copper, aluminum, etc., see here) the Sumter County Sheriff's Office has made the applications for permits available on our website (click here). These may be filled in electronically and printed out to bring to our office to obtain a permit number. Applications will be available at the office as well. The new law will go into effect August 16, 2011. Please download an application or stop by our office to fill one out prior to August 16, 2001, if you intend to transport these materials on that day.
Anyone wishing to obtain a permit will be required to submit a complete application, present a valid driver's license or state ID and the vehicle information that will be transporting the metals. Permits do not cost the party selling or transporting nonferrous metals, but dealers wishing to purchase nonferrous metals commercially will be subjected to a $200 application fee. Both applications are on our Downloads page to the right.
For the full text of the law click here and scroll down to 16-17-680.